Be Present
With so many distractions around us, it’s been more difficult to focus on things compared to a decade ago. We are being bombarded left and right by people and events that are straying us from the path we choose to pursue.
Being present is a skill to acquire, something that we need to practice every day. We concentrate too hard on the future, so we miss out on the things that are happening to us now. We worry about things that are forthcoming and haven’t happened yet. But do we realize that it doesn’t matter if we worry or not, the imminent thing will occur regardless if we think more about it or less.
You won’t hurt less because you worried about it more. The pain will still happen — no matter if you braced yourself for the worst or not. As humans, we try to reduce the amount of suffering we’d feel by preparing ourselves for the worst possible outcome. We must choose to let go and live.