Do What You Love

Tina Tsang
1 min readSep 4, 2020


That is the tagline for WeWork. Simple to say, yet not as easy to execute.

During this down time of the pandemic, it’s been quite the soul-searching process for a lot of people. The state that this nation is in economically and mentally for the past few months has really shone a light on what we actually really care about. Behind the job title and the nice salary, what is at the core of the person? What are the beliefs you stand behind?

What a period for self-development during this time for everyone. As marketers, we are positioned at bat to figure out how to even market ourselves. Have we been doing a good job at branding ourselves while we were living the 2019 lifestyle? Probably not.

The silver lining of all this self-reflection this year is self-reinvention. As humans, we continue to constantly grow and change. The way that I thought the world was last year has drastically changed, given our current circumstances.



Tina Tsang

Blog inspired by Seth Godin, who says to write every day no matter the content. ESFJ. Twitter cuts me off at 240 characters. Always a coffee in hand.