Putting on a Mask

Tina Tsang
Oct 31, 2020

No, this post is not about wearing a mask during the pandemic. I’ll leave that to the news networks.

In pre-pandemic times, we were all comfortable putting on a metaphoric mask as we walk into the office and what I use to call “leaving your home life at the door”. Rarely did we feel comfortable bring our personal problems into work.

However, now that home life and work life have inevitably merged, it has really given us a chance to sit with our problems because there’s not really a way to avoid them. There isn’t a commute to separate what’s work and what’s home.

It’s not a bad thing though. The focus on our personal problems have shifted, and we’re able to face these problems head on. A lot of time on self-reflection now (if you choose to) that we’re not sitting in traffic and doing the usual 9-to-5 grind. Self-reflection is hard though, not many people want to do it and look in the mirror to see the person they are and want to become.

It’s part of the process. The more we know who we are, the better we know where we are going. As humans, we need direction. It’s time to take off the metaphorical mask and be our true, authentic selves.

But please do, in all seriousness, wear a mask in public because of the pandemic. We need to protect each other.

Photo by Justin Campbell on Unsplash



Tina Tsang

Blog inspired by Seth Godin, who says to write every day no matter the content. ESFJ. Twitter cuts me off at 240 characters. Always a coffee in hand.